Florida Families
Summer BreakSpot provides nutritious meals at no cost to children 18 and under while school is out for the summer. Operating at schools, nonprofit organizations and government entities, such as parks and libraries, Summer BreakSpot reimburses participating organizations for meals through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Summer Food Service Program or Seamless Summer Option.

Parents and Families
If you’re not familiar with Summer BreakSpot, below are some frequently asked questions and answers. If you have additional questions, contact our office at [email protected] or by phone at 1-800-504-6609.

There are no sites near me. What can I do to ensure one is available for the kids in my area next summer?
Contact our office to find out if a partner already exists in your area by emailing [email protected] or calling 1-800-504-6609. If there are no meal sites in your area, you can help to find community partners. A school district, nonprofit organization or local government agency can become a partner that is responsible for the administration of the program.
What kind of food is served in the Summer BreakSpot?
Summer BreakSpot sites serve nutritionally balanced meals that meet USDA guidelines.
Breakfasts include:
- 1 serving of milk
- 1 serving of fruits or vegetables
- 1 serving of grains
Lunches/Suppers include:
- 1 serving of milk
- 2 servings of fruits and/or vegetables
- 1 serving of grains
- 1 serving of protein
Snacks include 2 of the following:
- 1 serving of milk
- 1 serving of fruits or vegetables
- 1 serving of grains
- 1 serving of protein
Who funds the Summer BreakSpot?
The Summer BreakSpot Program, also known as the Summer Food Service Program, is federally funded under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and, in Florida, administered by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Sites are locally operated by nonprofit organizations that provide the meals and receive a reimbursement from USDA.
Is transportation available?
In urban areas, many sites are within walking distance. Some sites are mobile and visit different areas throughout the day. If this is a concern for you, contact nearby sites and ask if they offer transportation.
Is there a cost for meals?
There is no cost for meals. USDA requires that meals be served at no charge to the children.
What are the requirements for my child to receive a meal?
At almost all sites, there is no application necessary and any child 18 or younger can simply come during mealtimes to receive a meal.
How do I find a meal location?
When schools are released for the summer, our website stays up to date with an interactive map that allows you to find meal locations. You can also find a location by texting the word “Food” to 304-304.